Kenya Jade Teaches Herself a Lesson in Love with New Single "Don't Come Back"
Photo by @sosomvr
“His shit, is his shit
Don’t make it your own
Don’t eat what he feeds you
Can’t make it a home”
Kenya Jade’s sultry voice sings these lines as a reminder to herself. Her latest single, “Don’t Come Back,” is a demand for her past fascination to back off, but also a note to herself not to let him in again. The empowering break-up anthem is an R&B influenced pop treat, speaking to the severing of ties not only with past lovers but with old versions of herself. In this way, “Don’t Come Back” is as much a break-up song as it is a diary entry, looking at the push and pull that comes with separation.
The video, directed by Andrew Hamilton, features Jade doused in red light, performing to an audience of one: a man wearing a 17th century-style beaked plague mask. The image represents the fear and mental turmoil that comes with the separation, a man she once knew so well, now hidden behind a disturbing mask. Releasing the video during the current COVID-19 pandemic (which is no small feat on it’s own) makes the theme of separation ring even more true. Facing even more loss in a time of such forced isolation is daunting, perhaps making leaving a relationship due to mistreatment even harder.
Kenya Jade is an up-and-coming Toronto singer/songwriter whose poetic lyrics and jazz influences are sure to carry you through the winter of your (romantic) discontent.