Posts tagged Toronto show
Review: Low Rise Queens at Toronto Sketchfest

Watching Low Rise Queens perform is kind of like watching a cool group of best friends hang out. Their flow is uncanny and natural, and it’s a tribute to how long they’ve worked together. They pick up and pass along each other’s energy to make a show that is chaotic and hilarious, but also well thought out and put together.

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An Interview with Don't Look Down About Their Upcoming Show "Never Swim Alone"

“We chose to perform this show in particular because it was written by a prominent Canadian playwright, allowing us to both try our hand at a well known play that we didn’t write, and start representing Canadian playwrights. As a company, we hope to continue sharing great Canadian work.”

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"Timeless" - An Interview with Dark Dance Company Director Lineen Doung

I started DARK Dance because I felt that the industry at the time needed a company to help dancers grow and become professionals. The initial spark was from the partnership with ABS Break Crew, but has now grown to become so much more.  It started out as a professional company, and is now a training base for many dancers across Ontario!”

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